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School Age Programs

Once Upon A Time Development Center offers programs for School Age children when there is no school due to vacations, holidays or snow days.

Summer Camp

We are now taking registration for our Summer Camp Program!

We have a lot of fun planned for this summer!  Our Camp program is divided into weekly sessions and each session of the summer has a theme around which all the activities are planned.  Tuition includes activities as well as an educational enrichment programs that will visit our program such as Mad Science, Drum and Dance, Police and Fire Departments,  and field trips by bus to such places as The Children’s Discovery Museum, Bounce Town, Peabody Museum, and the Downtown Cabaret.  In addition to these pre-planned events we will also be going on walking trips to different points of interest within our town of Milford.


326 West Main St. Milford, CT 06460

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